Pay My Bill

Payment Options

Albemarle County Service Authority is proud to provide a variety of payment options for our customers’ convenience. Bills are mailed monthly and due when rendered. We offer multiple payment options: 

  • Cash or Check in our office at 168 Spotnap Road on Pantops Mountain
  • Mail (please use the return envelope provided)
  • Telephone (eCheck, Credit, or Debit card) by calling 434-977-4511
  • Online Portal 
    • eCheck, Credit or Debit card (American Express, Mastercard, Visa, or Discover)
    • Paypal or Venmo

For after-hours payments, there is a red depository box in the parking lot of the ACSA building. 

Please note that any outstanding amount on an account at the next billing date will be charged a penalty of 10% plus a late payment fee of 1.5% per month.

To utilize our online portal, please click “Pay My Bill” below.

Pay My Bill

Have more questions? Check out our FAQs!

pay my bill online

Customer Portal and Payment System

Enroll to Pay Online

If you haven’t enrolled in ACSA’s Customer Portal and Payment System yet, do so today! Through the customer portal, you can:

  • Make an online payment for your ACSA water bill.
  • Receive a confirmation number for your payment.
  • View your payment history.
  • Go paperless and receive your bill electronically.
Log in or Register

*Please note that this link will navigate you away from the Albemarle County Service Authority website.

Important Information

13-07. Exceptional Payment Processing Fee

A charge of $35 in cash will be assessed for any check or electronic transfer in payment of an ACSA bill that is returned for insufficient funds, an invalid account number, stopped/frozen/hold/“refer to maker” payment, or drawn on a closed account. If such payment was presented in order to avoid termination of service for non-payment or in order to have services restored after such termination, services will be terminated, and this charge, as well as any other charges, must be paid in cash before service is restored.

(Revised 02/17/94, 02/01/05, Amended 08/18/11)

If you have more questions, check out our guide to e-Bill and autopay.
