Rates & Billing

Budgets, Rates & Fees

At Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA), transparency is key to how we manage water and sewer services. Here you’ll find detailed information on ACSA water and sewer rates, sample bills and links to past budgets and annual financial reports. We invite you to explore our financial summaries, rate highlights and long-term planning strategies to understand how we ensure sustainable services for Albemarle water customers.

yellow fire hydrant
red yellow and blue automatic carwash brushes
antique water spigots in a row | water quality in crozet

Water and Sewer Rates & Billing Tables

ACSA water and sewer monthly user rates
sample monthly combined water and sewer bills
popular annual financial report

Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)

The Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) is a streamlined version of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) designed to provide a clear and accessible overview of ACSA’s financial health. This report highlights key financial data, including revenues, expenses and fiscal year accomplishments, along with updates on major initiatives like the MyWater program. With a focus on transparency and community engagement, the PAFR is designed to foster transparency and ensure that residents stay informed about how Albemarle County water services are managed.

FY 2024 PAFR

Want to see more budgets and financial reports? Check out our Archives.
